Meet Ivy
I weighed 286lbs at my heaviest. My physician advised me that being obese will catch up with my health and I needed to make changes. I started making lifestyle changes in January 2017 weighing 273lbs.
I have a BS in Sports Medicine and an MS in Health Communications, so naturally, you’d wonder how did I get that way, right? Life happens and I settled instead of creating the life I wanted.
I have had many failed attempts at weight loss. Finally, I lost 125lbs in a little over a year and maintained it for two years now. I knew what to do, but I had to relearn how to care for myself completely. Now, I can help you reach your fitness goals.
I aim to be a guide, resource, and tool for you as you begin, or restart, your journey to a healthier version of yourself. I'll be your accountability partner and we will figure it out together!